Beginning to emerge clearly and specifically green economy that could well define the economy's "salvation" - the salvation of the Earth and its inhabitants. The concerns that have accompanied and slowed down until a few years ago this economy are declining rapidly since it is now being promoted by countries like the United States and China, very careful accounts rather than ecology. We can say that the road "green" economy has become significantly flattened and is easily predictable that it will expand even more. Most likely, we are living a historical period that bears a strong analogy with the one experienced immediately after the famous 1929. Then he spotted an economic driver for the next 70 years would produce wealth and social development: I mean the car with all the many implications and consequences. That stage today is exhausted, can not be extended. I am perfectly aware of governments, international institutions, perhaps the political and social. A "new development model" is called for, and for some time, even by Confindustria.
But what is this news? It consists mainly in the energy source that will be exploited, and this energy is the Sun and 'solar that energy that comes gratis et amore Dei in the form of photons, which in turn are transformed relatively quickly in heat energy , wind, hydro and biomass energy. Now, the sun with its rays reach all corners of the earth, extends life in every place and focus with greater intensity in the poorest regions of the planet and the sun takes care of all beings, from the edge of grass lion man. In a sense, the sun is "democratic."
There is, then, a fundamental difference between the energy source that drove the economy after 1929 is what drives the green economy. It lies in the fact that the former was and is special: the oil fields have been and are owned by individual countries or individual owners, and the second, the sun, is universal, and this is a universal value that should not be lost sight of. Must be taken as the founding of the green economy that is emerging. That is to say that such an economy, unlike that hitherto mainly practiced, must begin with the ethics, of course not forgetting the free market. Begin with ethics, or put your life in service to life: the sun, which is life, should be used to protect, first, and then to enhance life on Earth. Life. The new green economy starts with awareness, common, to be motivated by the life and work on behalf of life. What this should mean in concrete terms, practical, it is not hard to say, it is hard to do, but it should be done, and luckily there are few pressures that push in this direction. There's already eco-entrepreneurship that moves, and wants to keep moving in the free market and ethics at the same time. In this innovative and wide-ranging perspective, the initiatives can be exemplary and significant. Can and should serve as a model of sustainability and equity, solidarity or "charity" in the sense that this word is given by the last encyclical of Benedict XVI.
t is necessary, then, that companies first put in the clear, explicitly and formally, their commitment to use the life pro-life. Secondly, they must indicate, in priority, such as life support and, thirdly, should quantify the resources needed for this purpose, and fourthly, they must specify the forms of such use, in particular how the use of resources .
On the first point, it should be the mission, as they say, the companies themselves, from which they never depart. It 's finally the right time to take a decision the way of eco-social responsibility, which until now has been done too often just a lot of talk.
On the second point, the life support as a priority is the weakest, especially children and old age.
Third Point. Here you have to make a brief introduction. Ecological entrepreneurship can not adhere to the principles of social responsibility, which can not be limited to good practice relating to human rights and the rights of workers. In addition to these commitments is the promotion of social community in which the company operates, and those commitments, if they want to be real and not just good intentions, they must rely on certain resources, which should be quantified in a portion of the profits made.
Regarding the fourth point to be emphasized the centrality of the community, the social environment. "More companies and less state" is not an empty slogan, it means more involvement of people and less political intrigue and bureaucratic obstacles. It means awareness of the true stakeholders, the true bearers of interests to defend, which in this case are first, as already mentioned, the weakest. We must, therefore, that they are "accepted" as true stakeholders in the company label. E 'with them, directly or through their representatives and their associations, voluntary groups, church communities, NGOs, eg in the case. Developing countries, firms must devise and agree on ecological projects to promote human and social, to be financed by part of revenues.
More specifically, in the communities where they are established businesses, we think of the community in developing countries, are crucial to organize the following support structures:
A. crèches for children aged 0 to 4 years from poor families and disadvantaged;
B. group homes for children, adolescents and children without families and children of unwed mothers;
C. group homes for minors with mental or physical disability;
D. group homes for the elderly poor and disabled.
These are the people who most need help, which will focus on the activities to combat social exclusion and hardship they need to do business with environmentally and socially responsible.
With the development of these activities will also seek social development of the communities themselves, with the aim, which is essential, to ensure that the firm is perceived as a foreign body which pursues exclusive interests. It is therefore necessary to use for such activities, local staff, of course, after appropriate training and remuneration, can "animate" kindergartens, foster homes, among others through micro-economics "green", for example, cultivation of flowers and medicinal plants and their sale in local markets, finding and selling of recyclable materials, etc..
In these countries, the "philosophy" to be pursued is to turn the inconvenience into a resource for stakeholders and the communities in which they live.
As for the developed countries is not to be missing areas of discomfort, so that even here life has to rescue the life where it is more brittle, weaker, more in need of help, help through self-imposed on some of the profits of ' ecological entrepreneurship. In these countries, however, must go further. The environmentally and socially responsible company should contribute to the ecological conversion of life and community activities to begin, for example for example. in Italy is presented as a widespread need, with the construction or reconstruction of school buildings energy self-sufficient and have their own system of disposal and recycling of waste, and continue contributing to energy self-sufficiency through the use of the more decentralized as possible renewable sources.
Finally, particular attention should be paid to ecological education of new generations of developed countries, and to that end will be very interesting to create and fund in each school of real educational groups for the recycling of materials at the most immediate reach, starting with the paper.
This, or a similar one, must be the way forward, the future "because of the sun." Today we take literally the title of the utopia of Thomas Campanella, The City of the Sun, which is no longer "utopia." The sun is not a metaphysical entity, and the city of the sun is the community whose life is powered by solar energy "captured" and used by the photovoltaic, thermal, hydro, wind, etc..
Renewable resources are likely but not infinite. Europe will have interesting, so much so that foreign investors have committed themselves to take advantage. The areas where they can be efficiently exploited are in the process of saturation, particularly for wind power. Governments, in relation to international commitments, plan substantial funding to achieve its objectives.
The companies working on sustainability issues, particularly those working in the construction of large power from renewable sources, are motivated by profits and not by high ideological objectives and environmentalist. Correct. Companies must have as its main objective is profit. But the use of public resources should be devoted to subjects in which both the high value placed on social responsibility. E 'task of government control and management activities in order to enhance the resources, natural and economic, for the Italian population and in particular that the area where the resource is available.
The government should be able to address the initiatives and interventions for the socio-economic development through sustainable projects.
The absence of proper coordination, able to develop and test projects that create synergies between, is the cause of the proliferation of initiatives purely speculative. Initiatives for the use of natural resources, we have, and financial support made available by the State and by all of us, for speculative purposes. As we said, it is proper conduct of the business world.
Our natural resources and economic ones, to support them, are subject to speculative operations by foreign investors, operating on our territory directly or through an Italian. Our resources are transported in various forms, out of our territory. A procedure carried out regularly by speculators in different clothes, in developing countries. We are so short-sighted, or rather it is who administers the "public" not to see what can be, for the population, those resources are used properly. So short-sighted to see only certain aspects "of achieving major breakthroughs in the use of natural resources."
The wind of southern Italy could assist in the economic development of the territory, as in the draft Biccari, a rare vision of the administrative bodies. The mayor said since the project: "I do not need soccer fields where young people go away for lack of work, I need to create jobs ....".
The project conducted Biccari (FG) has set as priority the goal of generating development in an area that saw a steadily aging population, the abandonment of the young and the closure of all economic activity.
The project, under way, will achieve a significant thanks to renewable energy sources that will create an impact on the territory:
1. construction of a wind park 126Mwp;
2. creation of an industrial plant designed to produce energy-automation technologies, whose occupation is supported by income from wind power;
3. interventions for the enhancement of the area (old town, woods, hills, mountains and a lake at more than 900m above sea level.) and the country that gave birth to Menichella, governor of the Bank of Italy), through the "ideal city Biccari ";
4. housing for employees, sustained energy;
5. nursing home, energetically supported and equipped with aids for the particular user;
6. popular tourist center, also supported by renewable sources;
7. hybrid panel and the development of the agricultural sector.
Correcting myopia of public administration and to make appropriate use natural and economic resources would get:
• Social Works:
• Environmental protection, through:
o The use of renewable sources
o Reducing emissions
• Jobs for professionals
• I work for construction companies
• Work for industries
• Positive effects through the spill:
o In the implementation phase
o When management
Interesting results at least in periods of adverse economic situation.
Sustainability and development are two terms that must necessarily be married. The potential and ambition to create economic and social development through the Sustainability requires strong commitment and willingness on the part of those involved, in order to create the necessary partnerships to address the huge structural problems, and at the same time ensuring the involvement of industry and investors.
Will, commitment and perseverance that if they fail, undermines any effort and investment.
Factor behind these projects is provided by renewable resources.
• The common element, or rather, a willingness to share is to see the realization of a model that combines:
• Quality of life for its inhabitants;
• Protection of the environment.
• Could develop:
• A model example;
• A driving force for sustainable development;
• A driving force for sustainable culture;
• A moment of aggregation for industries that want to develop sustainable technologies.
It 'requires a strong synergy between public agencies, businesses, the financial world, Universities and Research.
The San Marino BPE with the industries of the joint venture Phoenixtec Camar and Electra, are in progress a project of significant size in the renewables sector. The company San Marino, with the support of Alerion, started the construction of a wind farm from 126 MWp in the town of Biccari in Subappennino Dauno, capable of producing about 300 million kWh per year (exceeding the needs of the entire Republic of San Marino).
The San Marino SEAS system supply a plant with an identical 96Mwp annual production.
But, on the face of social sustainability is the project of the BPE reference model. A project that combines the economic value of a high social value. The project, next to the wind farm, the establishment of an industrial automation, energy technology and cultural growth through collaboration between the University of Urbino (to the themes of Home Automation and Applied Computer Science) and the Institute Technical Lucera. A project that will finance R & D Phoenixtec in San Marino. Social development, economic development, technological development, development of renewable sources, combined with opportunities and economic viability.
And 'this positive experience that has launched the project in Romania, with the mission to replicate the project "Biccari" in a land that can offer a lot:
• More opportunities for the development of renewable wind energy for a potential 14.000MWp;
• Financial support from the EU for infrastructure and industrial activities.
The projects must have the aim to provide investors with the necessary economic performance, generating development and training, to ensure the industries involved and the economic and energy support.
The consequences are unimaginable (the environment, sustainable development, transfer of know-how, technology development for the environment, promotion of culture and sustainability, etc.)..
Synergy, Innovation, Sustainability, Development, are the key words for a team that wants to seize these opportunities.
For those involved, as well as public bodies, including the benefits, in addition to direct economic performance and opportunities for industrial development and R & D, will be significant return of vision that will be reflected on increasing international opportunities.
The start of the project will get more relapses, as well as image, even to areas not directly involved in development initiatives:
• Culture, through the development of research and industrial partnerships resulting, in particular for applications on building new models. The creation of workshops will be, along with economic resources and university collaborations, the basis for the start of seminars, courses of excellence, and master's degree curricula, dedicated to the themes of energy, building automation, home automation, sustainability
Projects that relate to use of natural resources with industrial development, infrastructure also needed to do this. And the infrastructure you can get the first engine for the start of development through the creation of public works to become a model example.
The German government has set for 2050, an extremely ambitious goal: to produce from renewable sources by 100% of its energy needs. A true technological revolution that will impact all sectors and in particular the building, engulfed in one of the largest energy. A goal that can only be pursued through the development of a mix of energy production from renewable sources, in order to solve the most critical gaps related to the production of renewable energy, storage systems and, primarily, a reduced consumption and their proper and controlled consumption. It becomes therefore important to intervene and buildings through building automation, facility management implemented in them.
On May 19, 2010 was issued 2010/31/UE Directive of the European Parliament and Council will have to be transposed by Member States by June 2011. This Directive as well as regulating the procedures for energy certification, raises important objectives in terms of new construction, "almost zero energy buildings."
The Directive sets deadlines, 2020 to housing 2018 for the private and public, as the deadline for the construction of buildings and works that do not consider the environment where sustainability and integration into the environment and society are unknown words . After these dates will need to design "almost zero energy buildings"
Article 9
Almost zero energy buildings
1. Member States shall ensure that:
a. by December 31, 2020 all new buildings are almost zero energy buildings, and
b. as of December 31, 2018 the new buildings occupied by public authorities and property of the latter are almost zero energy buildings.
But this is not the future, for years, in many countries, including ours, have been running an interesting financial support, that do not make the objectives of the Directive an obligation but an opportunity. In Italy the Energy Bill has funded mainly of large plants and speculation, despite the performance reserve is intended for the public administration and efficient use of energy sources in private. The energy account for over facilities funded 1.200Mwp. The new energy bill, by 2011, fund further 1.800Mwp and penalize facilities that do not involve the improvement of energy efficiency and rewarding, with a greater share of up to 30% for those who, through proper design of the intervention, get better energy efficiency.
One strategy that may make it feasible targets in Germany, as a result of killing the load energy to the national grid by the buildings, resulting from their almost total self-sustenance.
To achieve its objectives with the European Parliament Directive requires that trials are started, and best practices, mainly in public hospitals, which are appropriately funded examples and models. It is therefore necessary that public administrations are forward-looking and launch projects in this direction, in synergy with the business. And this lack of synergy and vision that often form the basis of inefficiency, waste and lost opportunities, seeing examples of conflicting administrative operation.
A good example of best practice is given by APEA (All ecological production units) under construction in the territories Romanians in Italy. In such projects you can attend to the expected results, as expressed by the Directive of the European Parliament, thanks to the synergy between local municipalities and businesses, who have been able to exploit the economic resources allocated by the EU in those areas and those related to the development renewable sources, through careful design developed from engineering Marino BPE and its partners (the architects of Studio Sword & Associates, engineers Phoenixtec, ABB and Santerno, and the engineers of the manufacturers of the technologies incorporated into the proposed (wind, solar, lighting, biomass, microidroelettrico, biomass, intrusion detection, thermal, access control, etc.)..

The APEA projects include the development of infrastructure (building and plant), a wind farm, consisting of 5 wind turbines, photovoltaic field for 7Mwp, roads, lighting systems, computer systems for land management (Land Registry, GIS, etc..), the management of water and waste.
In particular, the project intends to pursue several objectives:
• Identification of innovative, low environmental impact, for the construction and management of the production, with particular regard to the protection of natural resources, energy supply, the killing of pollutants;
• Detection systems for monitoring and reporting on levels of pollution, emissions, energy production and consumption;
• Indication of intelligent and integrated energy management, corporate settlers;
• Equipping the buildings and the whole area of the most innovative technologies and services, through automation, which make them more valuable and usability the entire project;
• Through home automation and telecommunication services, facilitate the use of services even to people with disabilities;
• Designing, the entire area, over a range of maximum environmental sustainability;
• Applying technology in the facility and the area, which will, through the monitoring of consumption and production of energy from renewable sources, the objective of achieving an industrial past from the point of view of energy;
• Implement measures aimed at socialization and dissemination of sustainable technologies applied.
The technologies applied to buildings, industrial facilities and common areas, bought in, have the ambition and the aim of transforming the entire area in a body to serve its users. Systems and integration technologies, through the use of specialized subsystems provide two other key features of home automation: Reliability and Continuity of Operation. The appearance of independence and economic sustainability will be ensured by the ability of structures and its systems reduce energy consumption (thermal and electric), the load management control of the consumption areas, avoiding waste caused by forgetfulness (lights, air conditioning systems, ..), the production of electricity and heat. Another element of innovation is brought about by the integration of technologies in the area and those installed in industrial unit, they actually will use redundant power systems, ensuring maximum efficiency and ensuring the continuity of operation in the delivery of services and features. Divided between:
• Plants in the area, infrastructure and central systems, such as elements of the 'body', for the collection of data from individual settlements and the connection to all possible users and / or maintenance;
• Industrial plants in the unit "cell in the body, just as interconnected cells of an organism, such as telematic connections, energy accounted for, intrusion detection systems, video surveillance, alarms, monitoring, etc.
• Centralized (and thermal energy, but also for water management, lighting, waste management, access control, the web server, WiFi access points, video surveillance, irrigation, etc.. );
• Systems for managing and optimizing IT resources in order to reduce the needs of the area with close monitoring of consumption and, through the production of energy (including storage), optimize and contemporary conflicts.
The area will consist of:
• Lots: APEA will be sizing each of 24 lots of land area about 6,500 square meters with 60% coverage ratio. The scheme allows urban aggregations of several lots in the case of macro-industrial structures, or their fractionation in the case of small production facilities;
• Traffic: the scheme provides a viable service dell'APEA main axis of power, and a double reed that feeds the individual lots and parking areas. The service road should be marked by the local existing in only one or two points of connection, to be equipped with large round, all vehicular movements of production lots will be within the service network, without going outside;
• Underground: the major networks (water, telecommunication, energy) will be implemented in suitable underground tunnels, allowing easy maintenance and future deployments;
• Green Kit: All the public areas, including those relating to traffic, will be equipped with suitable trees, with positive effects for the reduction of noise pollution and the local air;
• Sports recreation area, consisting of two soccer fields, two tennis courts, a volleyball court, with its paths and parking areas and socialization;
• A business park that will contain:
o 200/800 or canteen for users with a bar and pizzeria
o conference room with 100 seats
o a dedicated area to house the municipal technical and some administrative
o a mini housing residence with 15 apartments and 5
o a local server
o a local rack and patch panel
o a room for the supervision and maintenance
o storage facilities and handling equipment
o areas or changing rooms and toilets
o area health services or outpatient
o maintenance facilities or areas and their offices reserved for the service cooperatives or
o municipal employees involved in the management
o an executive office and an office design
o retail or commercial areas
o show room or other "windows" of production carried out in 'APEA.
Among the technologies applied all'APEA we find:
• Street lighting based on energy-efficient technologies (LED), managed through a central oversight, which will feed data collected by several sensors:
o detection or twilight
o control access to areas of the business center for recreational areas and facilities
o reservation of common areas (conference rooms, sports areas)
• The same sensors, through the central oversight, will check in an efficient manner, the air-conditioned;
• Green areas, through the planning scenarios integrated with the sensory detection (humidity, wind, temperature) will be automatically irrigated;
• Each unit will be connected to computerized industrial and building automation through fiber optic connections;
• The wireless telecommunication infrastructure, the area, will also be guaranteed by wifi repeaters installed in lighting systems;
• The kitchen and the utility of the canteen / bar will be linked to management systems / speakers for their excellent energy management, and organic waste will be used for the production of gas through digests bulls;
• Offices and housing for their consumption, air conditioning and electronic, will be managed through a centralized building automation and detection sensors local integrating data stemming from the booking system, access control and home automation panel;
• Surveillance video, the whole area will be provided by webcams connected over fiber and / or WiFi systems. This surveillance will be expanded within individual industrial sites. The system will incorporate the motion detection and recording of events;
The issue is receiving increased attention as energy. Each of the structures will be subject to ongoing monitoring in relation to consumption, production and emissions. In fact, the fiber-optic network will connect with, the central control, each item in this area, from downtown to the executive power plants, from a single establishment to open areas.
To achieve the goal of "nearly zero energy" will be carried out a series of measures, including:
• First of all for strict control and efficient management of facilities;
• Production of energy from renewable sources, through a park consisting of 5 wind turbines with a peak power by 2 / 4 MWp;
• Production of energy from renewable sources, through 7 1 MWp photovoltaic arrays;
the sustainability of the need for proper management of all resources, especially water, which according to the specific regulations will be managed, retrieved and accumulated.
But optimal management of water resources, together with the waste and the biomass of the area, will support the objective of "nearly zero energy" in the Community Directive. The production of renewable energy to be produced in the area will cover the entire needs of the users of the area and the entire municipality. The only criticism is the absence of continuity in the anticipated sources (solar and wind power), resolved through good management and other energy systems and storage (mini hydro, biomass).
Some interventions combine waste management with energy production:
• The first project involves the installation in the cafeteria of a digestitore, able to convert organic waste into methane gas and electricity;
• The second project involves the installation of a central biomass, integrated with an incinerator and a cogeneration plant oil, which, except for vegetable oil, use the municipal, industrial and agricultural products to produce electricity and heat, compensating for deficiencies resulting from additional sources;
The significant energy production requires a significant challenge: the build-up. By integrating the water storage system, consisting of two reservoirs with a height of 5 meters, will generate electricity at times of greatest demand, through a generator microidroelettrico. The water will be transported to the upper reservoir using the energy produced during periods of overproduction. Further support will be given to the need to build the hydrogen fuel-cell.
Among the settlements included in one of the APEA there is also the Phoenixtec, whose project will also have an out of the territory of Romania expanding its effects on the entire European territory, in relation to the objectives of the Community directive, in the building, public and private . The industrial project, conducted in Romania by Phoenixtec, provides for the creation of a farm center, with a large amount of building automation systems, which will install in public buildings and private Italian form of service. In fact, thanks to the proper use of Community resources, the energy contribution of APEA (zero of energy cost), and the financial support, resulting from large wind farms developed on the municipalities, with the aim of zeroing in the cost of personnel and research the service will be placed on the market without any increase for the enterprise user, but with part of the energy savings.
APEA The projects were announced during the meeting of June 15, 2010, as part of Sustainability & Development, in the presence of Secretaries of State, heads of chambers of commerce, diplomats, industrialists and the mayors of Romanians.

Energy, Agriculture, Economic Development, Social Development and Childhood. Combine them to maximize results. GENESIS, a Project for the Development of Rural Areas of Romania.
The GENESIS project aims to create a chain that combines the traditional farming practices with innovative production technologies, supported by industry but also capable of researching and testing new technology.
An innovation which sees agriculture and use while crafting interesting and profitable markets such as energy.
The project, located in rural areas of Romania, has the ambitious goal of involving the entire agricultural economy and agro-industrial establishment, while becoming a driving force for the development of this sector in the whole area.
To complete the chain has plans to set up an industrial unit dedicated to logistics and warehousing services for agricultural production.
The expected results from the development of this project are:
• Industrial development of the area;
• Direct employment in the plants;
• Increase in agricultural income and improvement of business in the primary sector of agriculture;
• Attractiveness for new farmers;
• New employment in the agricultural sector;
• Driving force for the development of entrepreneurial activities to the processing and marketing of agricultural products.
Specifically, the GENESIS project involves four steps.
The first relates to the production of technological equipment. The industrial plant, we are going to set up, will be working in the field of renewable energy, carrying out its activities in close collaboration with industrial partners involved in the project, specialized in individual subjects of renewable energy (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, but also wetlands and digestitori), universities, research centers and academic spin-offs. In particular, the R & D and production activities will focus on further product "GENESIS".
For the production of the Genesis system, whose research, currently underway, is not capable of providing detailed information, technology will be used for the production of energy and information technology for the purpose of control and automation, in the agricultural sector is envisaged, plants in greenhouses, as well as automated warehouses for structural container.
The system can provide closed-loop, the resources necessary for the survival of a household, consisting of 50 families. In fact it will be possible to develop crops in the field, part of which will be used by central and, thanks to electricity, can be fed the wells that will allow the irrigation of fields, the electrical and thermal energy will be used by village . To add, finally, the production of vegetables in greenhouses.
So, what will be produced in the area will be:
• Electricity;
• Heat;
• Water;
• Cereals;
• Vegetables;
• And any holdings related to the production cycle, in his capacity as suppliers of raw material for the cultivation and production of energy.
The construction of industrial works necessary for its establishment, the R & D provided for the selection and training of personnel, etc.., Amounting to some EUR 40 million.
The second relates to the installation of systems produced by the previous subject.
The plant, which will be built, are currently under research for the definition of some elements, in particular, their Pre-competitive Development will be done right on the territory of Romania. The Genesis system aims to establish itself as a technological reference, duplicate, for the development of areas suitable for agriculture. Feasible thanks to the development generated by the sector and its integration with the surrounding territories. The plant will produce:
• Electricity;
• Horticultural products.
The system consists of a plant for the production of energy through the use of renewable sources integrated together:
• Solar;
• Geothermal;
• Biomass;
• Mini-wind;
• Wind-heat.
Everything will be possible thanks to highly innovative control systems of resources (water flows and aerodynamic, etc.)..
The raw materials needed to produce energy will be self-generated (wind-heat) or acquired at no cost (solar, geothermal, wind) with the exception of materials relating to the central mass, which will use waste the crops of the area by making an increase in agricultural income, in particular, will be promoted cereal crops that could stimulate further profitability for local actors (such as a stalk of grain with higher dimensions).
The greenhouses, as well as necessary for the production of the energy, optimizing the thermal energy produced by a system designed to organic production, both qualitatively and quantitatively superior.
Particular attention was paid to elimination, where possible, environmentally unsustainable impacts of any kind. With regard to carbon dioxide, this is fully utilized within the horticultural greenhouses. With respect to any landscape and visual impacts, it has already done so, through innovative technologies and experienced by Phoenixtec Electra knows his partner, the adaptive camouflage structures whose height is higher than average buildings.
The facilities planned will be built in rural areas, the occupation of each plant is about 10ha with 70ha of total employment. The area of 10ha, which is necessary to single unit will contain:
• The installation of greenhouses;
• Power plants;
• The areas dedicated to storage;
• The space devoted to offices;
• External storage areas.
The settlement provides for the integration of multiple forms of some elements to a more efficient usability of the systems.
The third is related to the implementation of the structures (cooling), through the creation of systems for processing and packaging of agricultural areas and, in particular of the products greenhouses.
This action will generate an induced impact on employment for thousands of items, due to the increased transport activity, services of agricultural production aimed at the cold chain, production of various industrial, agricultural production of energy, support and development of new plant varieties.
The fourth, fundamental to society and to ensure the development is on the implementation of initiatives in support of the Child, absolutely necessary and urgent.
Children suffering, abandoned, abused, orphaned, are in fact hundreds of thousands in Romania and in need of all: emotional stability and physical security, education, opportunities for social inclusion and job placement.
The current data are impressive:
• Tens of thousands of children abandoned in hospitals each year on the day of birth, 18% of infants;
• Tens of thousands of single mothers, often unemployed and alone;
• Tens of thousands of children essentially "parked" in public and private institutions lacking everything;
• Hundreds of thousands of children without prospects for the future;
• Public welfare at large.
In this dramatic situation, the danger being faced is that the more uncomfortable, maladjustment and deviance dilaghino further and that the vast majority of the Romanian youth is finally deprived of and excluded from future well-being and the possibility of a dignified life.
Challenging this trend is a difficult and daunting task, which requires huge investments necessary to build a social safety net, which at present is still very low and inefficient. This will require an enormous effort by the European institutions, the Romanian national government, but also the entrepreneurial forces operating in the country.
The latter are called upon to act in the spirit of social responsibility, which means creating opportunities for social advancement in the first place for the most disadvantaged segments of Romanian society, particularly for children.
In the perspective of a social market economy environmentally sustainable and ethically focused, the companies involved will make every effort, from the development of industrial production of biomass energy, to promote initiatives in support of material, psychological and cultural Romanian childcare .
Specifically, in communities where they are established companies will be organized the following support structures:
A. crèches for children aged 0 to 4 years from poor families and disadvantaged;
B. group homes for children, adolescents and children without families and children of unwed mothers;
C. group homes for minors with mental or physical handicap.
These are the people who most need help, which will focus on the activities to combat social exclusion and hardship that it intends to conduct business.
With the development of this activity will be pursued include the development of communities themselves. Thus, with regard to:
• Point A), local staff will be used after appropriate training and remuneration;
• As regards the points B) and C) will be trained and employed, local personnel can "animate" the family-type homes with micro-economic activities, such as growing flowers and medicinal plants and their sale in markets local procurement and sale of recyclable materials, essential for employment and social integration of young people who live there.
The philosophy is to turn the inconvenience into a resource - for stakeholders and the communities in which they live.
All these initiatives will be organized at the expense of the companies involved, but always designed and manufactured in cooperation with the authorities and local associations.

with the contribution of prof. Rocco Donnici