By the joint efforts of public administrations, designers, industries and by undertakings, you will get the expected benefits of the Directive and the entire civil society, to safeguard the principal legacy to our children: THE ENVIRONMENT.
There are plenty of technologies, large, and often small businesses available to designers. Technologies, which in their simplicity of application, can generate unexpected results. Technologies, often little known or non-integrated. The main cause of slowdown in technology implementations / support is not given by the non-feasibility or cost, but only by the absence of synergies. Synergies in the design, technology integration, between stakeholders in the sector and the financial world.

Sometimes these synergies, with enormous efforts, are born and can produce benefits for the whole community. It is the example being completed, projects APEA, widely discussed in previous articles and for which you have initiated the design of energy plants and BACS, in collaboration with industrial partners, and Italian studies conducted with d ' architecture "Spada e Associati (Milan)" and "Jansana, de la Villa de Paauw, Arquitectes slp (Barcelona). Projects that have sought to emphasize and centralize the issue of sustainability in their methodology, partly in response to specific expressions of the will of the municipal governments of Assago (Italy – MI) and Albisola Superiore (Italy – Savona).
Both projects have focused on their goal of integrating sustainability and usability / comfort. In fact, after careful analysis of needs and available resources, meticulously followed the outline design from my book "Renewable Energy and Home Automation" solutions have been developed and implementations necessary, which will be briefly described specific articles.
Albisola, the project aims for the new town hall as provided in the Directive, focusing on the containment of consumption and production, the remaining requirements from renewable sources.
The preliminary design includes a series of measures to guide the building concerned to sustainability goals, working on six floors, separate but interacting with each other and converging on the objective identified above:
a) limiting the use of energy resources;
b) use of renewable resources related to the site and the characteristics of the building;
c) characterization of the facilities in relation to available resources;
d) adoption of advanced technologies in the control of plant efficiency and management of available resources;
e) limiting the use of water resources;
f) use of renewable materials, recyclable and recycled in their life cycle and production, and their
processing and implementation incorporate limited amounts of fossil energy and that kind of little consequence
contribute to emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.
In summary, the building design can be defined by an "organism" that integrates seamlessly into the environment. A "Organism" that uses natural resources properly, and that thanks to technology-BACS-informatics and home automation capable of analyzing a plurality of specific information in order to implement the necessary actions and make automate certain complex functions, as does the man with some of its functions (breathing, heartbeat, etc..) making them extremely simple in configuration and monitoring. Integration within the global technology systems that respond to this fundamental characteristic of that home automation, simplicity, provided by user interfaces "User Friendly", intuitive, and prepared to handle any type of aids provided for people (voice commands, sensors, remote controls, etc.).. In this context, the technologies are not a cost but a source of savings and home automation has the task of integrating complex technologies to ensure: usability, simplicity, plant efficiency, reduce operating costs.
A "body" so that it integrates with its surroundings and the whole world in its integration becomes a tool for its users by creating and providing content for environmental sustainability: to live healthy, active safety, passive safety, comfort and connectivity services. And that will see its X-ray - done applied technologies and efficiencies - projected on screens embedded in a project of modern architecture, and disseminated the population of Albisola and via the Internet to the world.
A strategy for sustainability requires, first, to consider that the real energy alternative is that you do not wastes, resulting actions are therefore:
- Ensuring a 'good insulation of the building to contain losses;
- Ensuring adequate levels of natural light. Much of the activity takes place in period offices
day, so it is obvious that if you can have a widespread distribution of natural light is not necessary
used for these purposes massively to electricity;
- To ensure proper use of energy. By BACS (Building Automation and Control System) and Home Automation is now easy to control - with a network of dedicated sensors - the use (and sometimes abuse) of energy (electrical, thermal, etc...) The typical example is the lights on in rooms without staff, just a presence detector that costs small change to avoid this very common example of waste;
- Through the BACS system / home automation will be possible to make the entire building intelligent, by automating technological systems, which will be properly monitored and programmed by means of synoptic tables and user-friendly computer interfaces. A fact that intelligence is nothing more than good management, through appropriate algorithms and parameters set, the data collected from a multitude of sensors distributed in the building, offering the possibility to improve comfort and reduce energy consumption through the integration of access control system and the agenda for land resource management (planning board room, hours operating offices, vacation, etc..) with the building automation system of the individual and office systems
Information / application / database. Of particular importance will be the management climate of the building, enhancing the special architectural design, will have a small impact on energy demand, due to the Venturi effect is well managed by BACS technology. In addition, the integration of multiple energy sources, including microeolico, will allow the building to achieve the goals set by the Directive.
Assago, the administration has banned the design of the "Bosco in città (Forest in the City)" in the interpretation of the joint design, provides for the implementation of sustainable interventions interesting:
The entire project is aimed at energy liabilities through the use of technologies for reduced consumption and residual energy from renewable sources, resulting in a positive energy balance and, overall, a negative value of CO2 emissions.
The 'eco-sustainability of the building structures will be guaranteed the ability to reduce energy consumption (thermal and electric), the careful management of operating loads, the control of the consumption areas, avoiding waste caused by forgetfulness (lights, plants climate control, ..), the production of electricity and heat ¬ ply from renewable sources ..
L 'is obviously crucial since the production of energy from renewable sources, or rather, the proper use of natural resources on site.
From this point of view, it seems appropriate in relation to the target structures and the whole park ca ¬ architecturally also characterize the use of renewable sources such as constant comparison between two issues: Camouflage (such as photovoltaic tubular cover) el'enfatizzazione as the "Forest Energy" or the "Serra Bioenergetics."
The energy needs of the entire park, which is to open areas for building structures will be reduced by the use of energy-efficient technologies (LED, heating and air content through the use of glass-darkening checked). The additional requirements will be produced through two types of plant: the plant biodigestion, and photovoltaics.
plant biodigestion
An energy source, which will also illustrative, will consist of a small plant anaerobic digester. This plant will use the food waste of picnic areas and food, proper differentiated mind, and plant remains, found by the maintenance of the park, through a process of anaerobic digestion (similar to that of the stomach of mammals, without burning anything ) and its residual energy will serve as a fertilizer in greenhouses.
The photovoltaic power generation will be using three different technologies:
- The glass tops of greenhouses contain cells, partially transparent, monocrystalline silicon;
- The surface of the roofs of building structures will contain a tubular solar system, capable of capturing the radiation of solar-attitudes, also reflected in the different hours of the day, resulting in energy production compared to that of a dual-axis tracking system;
- Within an area, fenced and visible, called "Grove Energy." In this "Grove" will be installed ¬ sides some "tree" whose leaves consist of small-size panels, concentrating solar power, rotate chasing the sun. The "leaves" will contain the feature of the visual impact, being mainly composed of transparent elements (Fresnel lens) to focus sunlight on tiny silicon cells.
Projects, which must be a stimulus to the creation of synergies and a model / example for the citizens.