Tuesday 20 - Friday 23 April 2010, Warsaw, Poland
Technology vision: how to reach 33% wind energy by 2030?
Wind energy is attracting an increasing amount of private and public investment and the European Commission together with the EU wind energy industry and R&D community, is working to reach a 20% wind penetration level by 2020 and 33% in 2030.
Andrew Garrad, CEO, Garrad Hassan & Partners, will chair the technology panel at EWEC 2010 with some of the brightest minds in the industry including:
* Jos Beurskens, ECN - Energy Research Centre,
The Netherlands
* Hugo Chandler, IEA - International Energy Agency
* Klaus Baggesen Hilger, DONG Energy, Denmark (tbc)
* Georges Kariniotakis, École des Mines, France
* Flemming Rasmussen, Risø DTU, Denmark
* Henrik Stiesdal, Siemens Windpower, Denmark
Side events
In addition to the main conference and exhibition, EWEC 2010 includes a wide range of side events, open to all registered conference delegates, exhibitors and exhibition visitors.
Tuesday, 20 April
09:00 – 15:00
Room C2 SUPERGEN Wind & ReliaWind Research: towards a highly reliable offshore wind power station
Thursday, 22 April
09:00 – 11:00
Room C2 Welcome to the Future of Wind Energy: smart turbine control and accurate resource assessment using laser wind sensors
Thursday, 22 April
11:30 – 13:30
Room D Aeolus: modelling and control of large-scale offshore wind farms